Our history
GFC Consulting GmbH was founded in 1996 by Dr Axel Westerwelle and Angelika Westerwelle. At that time, our consulting approach was to support companies and HR departments regarding employer branding, volume recruitment and executive search in co-operation with Heidrick & Struggles. Our clients included companies such as Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, Bertelsmann, Deutsche Ärzteversicherung, ECE, Microsoft, SAP and many others.
At the same time, we published our knowledge and our experiences, which we made on a daily basis in discussions with executives, HR managers, applicants and professors at universities. In addition to various study guides and reference books for applicants and students, we produced studies commissioned by renowned magazines and newspapers such as Manager Magazin, Stern, Fokus, Die Welt and many more; studies such as "Kind und Karriere" (Child and Career), "Die besten Hochschulen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Ingenieure, Informatiker und Juristen" (The Best Universities for Economists, Engineers, Computer Scientists and Lawyers), "Sein und Schein in der Arbeitswelt" (Being and Appearance in the World of Work), "Fit für die neuen Jobs" (Fit for the New Jobs).
Since 2007, our focus has shifted somewhat. While at the beginning of our work we focused purely on recruitment, we now concentrate more on organisational and human resource development, whether in consulting projects, workshops, training or individual coaching.
On top of that, we work in networks and sometimes fly under a different flag. But that is exactly what makes it exciting, varied and absolutely valuable for our clients, as we are constantly challenged to think outside the box.
In 2013, the company passed completely into the hands of Angelika Westerwelle.